Postgraduate or Another Career?

There was a time in 2015 when i had a vocational crisis, (I even  thought about leaving this career), these careers were brought to my attention: Arts, Architecture, Graphic Design, Politics, Zoology, Latin American Studies, Arabian Studies, Geography, and maybe after, a PhD in any of these degrees or learn German, Dutch or Irish Gaelic languages.

Any place to study?: In Chile, University of Chile or University of Santiago. Out of Chile, any of the greatest universities in Germany, Netherlands or Ireland. In Latin America, Uruguay could be a good place. I don't like the E-learning (distance learning), because i feel that you don't have the campus experience. Specially, I would like to study in a normal schedule, like currently, not part-time or whatever its name is.

However, the only way to do this, is if you're a millionaire, because the universities in Chile or Europe are very expensive.
Besides, when you are graduated, you can't submit to grants. In fact, I'm studying in the university thanks to "gratuidad" (free-of-charge). Without this, I couldn't have studied in any university in Chile.

Various careers have a link, drawing, and I like to draw. I like  technical drawings or abstract drawings. Also I like "outside Europe" studies because all we do is have an eurocentic and colonial burden. However, my unconscious dream is to learn calculus; in Bachillerato I had calculus 1 and I got a disastrous average. Then I want revenge.

That's all folks

     This or This 


  1. So you want to be Nicanor Parra? to Irish to that. Better work in the IRA.

  2. Arts or world cultures, a variety of choices to follow a career, no doubt. Also, you have a natural talent as a camera man, you should exploit it!


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