I've failed to myself

If I have improved something is my own way of going to classes because the one thing I want from this subject is to approve.

At the start of the semester I was in an enormous existencialist trouble and one part of the problem was that I was living in Melipilla, far far away. It was very complicated to take the bus, the two hours of travel a day was exhausting. And well,  that easily meant four absences.

Besides, I am working for RadioJGM during thursdays. I'm the cameraman of a TV program named "Cajita de Música". That meant three or four more absences. In fact, my absences prove my interest in the english class is non-existent. I just wanna approve.

The english class had funny moments like talking about Pearl Jam, Trainspotting or Ireland and its meadows but in general, it isn't inspirational.

When I registered myself in this class, I did it for one reason: "salir del cacho". But I look at my assistance and I feel that I failed. Besides,  my grades are really good, making my failure feel even worse.

In this moment, I would like to win the lottery and fly to Éire. Tchüss.

PD: The experience of learning english in this institute is bad, really bad. And the schedule is THE WORST. “Tercer Piso” have guilt.


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